L'altro cioccolato a Torino

A place where you can discover and enjoy chocolate at 360 °

The Store
With so much emotion and commitment, on October 5th we inaugurated our small but welcoming place to lead you into the greedy and original world of Chocolate. A place where you can know, choose and buy Artisan Chocolate for every taste and occasion by filling up with good humor and well-being.

Chocolate is a living material, it has its inner language. Only when it feels itself as as an object of intimate attention, and only then, it ceases to enchant the throat and begin to dialogue with the senses

Miranda Ingram
From the beans to the bars
The manufacturing process
The transformation from cocoa beans to the bar is an engaging and fascinating journey that starts from the choice of origins and goes through processing phases with precise rules and times that give each creation a unique imprint. Our desire is to show how small artisan businesses can devote themselves to the search for quality, transforming cocoa beans imported from small producers from all over the world, into a Chocolate with a unique and unmistakable taste.
Contact us

If you have any questions, doubts or requests, do not hesitate to contact us. We will get back to you very soon!

Via Cavour 13
10123, Torino

Tuesday - Saturday
10.30-13.30 - 14.30-19.00

Via Cavour 13
10123, Torino

Tuesday - Saturday
10.30-13.30 - 14.30-19.00

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